The MHS hallways were littered with hundreds of festive students and teachers dressed up for Halloween this school year, culminating in a cafeteria-wide FCCLA-sponsored contest for each of the lunches.
FCCLA offered a special prize to one overall contestant with the best costume. The contest has been held annually for over 20 years, with one hiatus in 2020, per Ms. Pilman.
Students voted in two competitions, one regarding the best student costume within their particular lunch period, and one for the most festive staff department.
Each department centered their costumes around a particular theme. Some of the notable themes featured The Little Mermaid by the science department; the “spice” girls by the women’s history department; and the Addams Family by the administration.
But none of them could compete with the English department, which spotlighted aliens and extraterrestrial beings as their topic, taking home the win.
During each lunch, any student in costume was invited to join the group at the front of the cafeteria for judging. The judging was all based on student opinion, measured by the amount of noise (approval) from the spectating students in the cafeteria.
The contestants were then whittled down to three finalists in each lunch. In B lunch, sophomore Aidan Bordick came out on top with his Mr. Lee costume and impression, a huge hit with the students.
Brandon Galop won A lunch, where he posed as a taco. C lunch winner, freshman Suhyun Park was also declared the overall winner for her egg machine costume.