The freshman class voted in their 2023-2024 class officers on Sept. 20 and 21.
Joseph ‘Joey’ Sipia won, after running against four other candidates. As class president, Sipia plans to raise money for the Class of 2027’s senior trip. He believes that organizing these meetings well in advance is an important task because it will make it easier for people to attend them. He also states that he will represent Methacton’s students by “advocating for… the student body and their desires,”. He will also cooperate by “working with the other cabinet members” for nearly every task. Sipia added that he “will listen to people” and, because he knows “pretty much everyone” in the class, anyone can come to him with his or her ideas. He added, “I want what you want.”
Adhara Reddy, running unopposed and now the 2027 vice president, said, “My vision for the school is to leave high school with four years of life long memories.” To do that she would like to “make fun spirit days everyone wants to participate in.” She said she has other plans as well. She believes that she will make a great vice president because, in her words, “I have a lot of characteristics that are crucial for being a good leader. I don’t get stage fright; I’m an outgoing person, and I love getting to know more people”. She says that ever since she was three years old, she has gladly used any raised surface to “speak, dance, or sing”, and this will help her in her goal: “to help as many people as [she] can”.
Bhavi Patel, secretary, is planning to incorporate every student in the Class of 2027 into student government. This includes listening to everyone’s ideas and sharing government proceedings with the rest of the class. When asked what her plans for the Class of 2027 were, she wrote that “everyone gets to… give an idea” and that she would prioritize “clear communication [and] no confusion”. She will begin working towards this goal right away. Her first goal as secretary is to “create a suggestion box”. In addition, Patel will also try to organize “fun events that students want”. Before the results of the election had been announced, Patel had already begun planning this. She said, “I want the school to become more diverse through different activities, fundraisers…” and more.
Class treasurer went to Jocelyn ‘Joey’ Thomas, who offered insight into why she wanted to take a position in student congress. “I wanted to run for treasurer because I thought it would be really fun to be involved and help with activities and fundraisers”. She believes that she is qualified for the role because she is “very organized, … always prepared, and… a good listener”. Thomas has a goal to make this school year so “awesome” that students from other schools long to attend Methacton. She does not have a definitive vision for the school yet, but she is planning to “take suggestions” from the student body in order to gain a better understanding of what most students want.
Photo credits: Margot Ferrara