Methacton’s Red Cross Club held its annual spring blood drive on Mar. 6, collecting 54 units from high school students during the school day. High school nurse Kathleen Thompson managed the event and the community blood drive from 3-7 p.m. where Methacton staff and community members donated. That time frame yielded another 26 units.
In total, 80 units were collected while 94 were collected during the fall blood drive. Lower numbers in the spring may be due to but are not limited to seasonal illnesses and spring sports.
One unit can save up to three lives and be given to any patient in need of blood with a compatible blood type. Six boys donated red blood cells, known as Power Red by the American Red Cross. The plasma (liquid) portion of the blood is returned to the donor’s body.
Approximately 71 students signed up, but 21 of them were deferred or insufficient for several reasons including low hemoglobin levels, iron deficiencies, weak veins, recent out-of-country traveling, and body piercings.
Donors also have to meet certain age, height, and weight requirements. Snacks, T-shirts, and blankets were available to the donors after they gave. Students who were members of the club helped donors recover before allowing them to head back to their classes.
Students interested in joining the Red Cross Club can contact Nurse Thompson at her office or via her school email, [email protected]. The next drive for this school year will be in November of 2024.