Last Minute Winter Reading

By Marc Ciccarella, Staff Writer

Two weeks ago Punxsutawney Phil informed us that we do in fact have a few more weeks of winter ahead of us and there is no better time than now to read. Now is the best time to start that one book you never got around to reading. Maybe you want to try a new genre or maybe you need to pick up a new hobby for your afternoon free time. Whatever your case is here are three books (or series) that could give you something productive to do over the next three weeks instead of binge watching the entire series of Breaking Bad for the tenth time in the last year.

  1. A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF), George R.R. Martin: A Song of Ice and Fire is a fantasy series that is more well known for its’ TV counterpart, Game of Thrones. If  you’ve already seen all the episodes don’t worry, the greater part of the book series is very different from the television show. You’ve got war, politics, magic, romance and even two gross siblings all wrapped up in a series of books. Each chapter is told from a different point of view, this keeps the story fresh and the pages turning. I recommend starting with the first book in the series, A Game of Thrones.
  2. Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451 is a novel set in a dystopian future where it is illegal to read. People’s lives are consumed by big screen televisions that are the size of an entire wall. The more wall-televisions you own the more prosperous your image. This word is one where firefighters set fires instead of put them out. However one of these firefighters eventually has a change of heart and risks his life in order to read a gain a better sense of knowledge.

  3. All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque: This novel takes place during the first world war and tells the story of German soldier, his terrifying experiences during war, and his struggle to fit into German society after dealing with the pressures of war. Even though Germany was the enemy during World War I, most of the soldiers were young men aged 17-24 who had no interest in politics and were just doing what their government told them to.