Habitat for Humanity may be the club for you

By Urvi Walia, Staff Writer

Habitat for Humanity is a club that is reaching all across the world. It is not just in our school but is all across countries. This club has made a special place in our hearts. It provides special opportunities for students to be involved in many activities.

For example Habitat just did a fundraiser called the Ginger bread house. It gave kids from elementary schools a chance to build their own gingerbread houses. Last year HFH did a FIFA tournament fundraiser. They also did an applebee’s fundraiser.

There are  many chances for students to earn community service hours. Last year Habitat did a car wash and gained around one thousand dollars. Students from all grades got a chance to participate and earn some hours.

Habitat is a club that is for all people with different interests. If you like to advertise and be on TV then you can be in the “advertising group”, if you like to plan fundraisers then you can be in the “fundraising group”, if you are interested in organising the fundraiser and talking to schools and restaurants you can be in the “planning group’, if you like hanging up flyers around the school and promoting then you can join the “promoting group”,  and if you don’t like any of these then you can simply show up to the fundraisers and help the cause.

Habitat for Humanity is a club where all people come together and do events for a great cause. So, if you are interested in joining this club then you shouldn’t hesitate. Plus, there is great food now and then so you really want to join this club.