Adams and Cavallo earn All-State choral honors
May 24, 2022
From an early age, Mimi Cavallo and Quinn Adams’s families have all loved music and have made it a very special part of their lives.
Cavallo has been in theater since the age of 3. Since then, she has had a strong connection to performing. Adams has been in choir since elementary school and in theater since middle school and is currently the president of Methacton’s choir.
Together, they both have a great passion for music, especially classical, and relish the opportunity they have been given to share their love of music with people who feel the same way.
Pennsylvania Music Educators Association’s Choral Festival has many levels that include members of a high school choir, from sophomores to seniors, that provides an opportunity to audition, starting with districts, then regionals, and eventually after arduous efforts of auditioning, to states, where Cavallo and Adams performed this April. While this is Adams’s first year in this organization, Mimi was in a virtual festival last year.
They both agree after having virtual performances for two years that in-person is a more enjoyable experience. The All-State Choral Festival was held at Kalahari in the Poconos and consisted of three, all-day practices before the big performance with a renowned conductor, Amelia Garbisch of Bloomsburg University. After getting seven songs in advance, and an extra one after arriving at the convention, the group of 240 musicians performed the music, notably Buffolo Gals, Green Grove of Lilacs, Ngana and Kyrie, which were Adams and Cavallo’s favorite songs in the festivals.
Cavallo and Adams enjoyed and appreciated the entire experience: the auditioning, the practicing, the performing and meeting people who have similarities in their passions for the performing arts. While Quinn Adams, a senior and a bass 1, is graduating this year with aspirations to be an engineer, he still wants music to have a role in his life. He is thankful to now have so much experience and know how to sing in many ways.

Cavallo, a junior and a soprano 2, however, has another year to be in the festival and is possibly going to aim for the All-Eastern Choir in these coming months. She also wants to have music remain in her life following high school and hopes to study music in college along with computer science.
Music has impacted these students’ lives in so many different ways, such as meeting friends that share their love of music and giving them an outlet. Adams even went as far as to say that, “life is so empty without some sort of sound going on.”
Cavallo, after having to miss a musical, Legally Blonde due to COVID-19, said, “It’s really bleak to not be singing.”
Since music is something that they share with many of their friends and family, they have many role models in life and music. Mimi Cavallo’s role models are her sister, her and Adams’s choir teacher, Mrs. Franscisco, her sister’s friends and the seniors ahead of her.
Adams’s inspiration comes from his mother, his cousin, Katherine Horoho and the people in the theater program two years ahead of him. While they have grown to favor classical music, Adams also enjoys controlled music, musical theater and pop. Cavallo enjoys all music in different ways.
Cavallo and Adams value being able to be in the district, regional, and All-State Festivals and hope to continue to pursue music in whatever form they choose in their lives.